“Egyptian gods possessed since times of old astral forms and the myth of Osiristoo had a celestial projection. In a papyrus dating from the 4th century B.C. Isis addresses her husband with thefollowing words:
You are the Orion (s#H) on the southern sky.I am the goddess Sothis and I am protecting you.I have captured your enemies in the Ursa Maior (msXtjw) in the northern sky.
While Osiris ascended to the sky as Orion, Mesekhtyu was regarded as the stellar form of Seth, and thus the strife between the two brothers continued in the celestial spheres and Osiris had to be protected against his brother by Isis even in the cosmic heights.”
Source: László Kákosy, Astral Mythology In Egypt ,in: Acta Ant. Hung. 40, 2000, pp. 213-204.